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目前全校教職員工生達2300人,是一所與臺灣同步銜接的完全私立公益學校,包含幼稚、小學、中學。整合兩岸教育團隊,以培養珠三角的台商子女。 請上學校網站查詢相關教育特色,網址如下: www.td-school.org.cn
格蘭英語於1980年創立於現敦南總校大樓,為台灣學習英語風氣之啟蒙。除了成人及兒童英文課程,更因為優質教學口碑,受許多知名企業青睞,而成立了外事教學部 ( GRAM English Services) 及展業部、加盟部。    GRAM was established in 1980, beginning with its Dun-Nan school in downtown Taipei. Today, as one of the leading language learning institutes in Taiwan, GRAM currently operates more than 200 school locations, with over 1000 employees and tens of thousands of students, including children from age 5 to top executives in a variety of business corporations. For the past 29 years, GRAM has also operated its own Franchise Department, GRAM Childrens Service Department, and GRAM English Services – popular with many domestic business corporations – to ensure the quality of our English learning programs.   因為格蘭兒童金色教學計畫,口碑深受消費者認同肯定,應家長需求,於1999年成立了派普爾美式幼兒學校,提供5~6歲幼兒全天候美語環境,並與 ICRT合作出版『格蘭英語雜誌』,使英文學習更多元化,並切合生活實際需要。因此格蘭不但提供兒童美語、成人美語,更致力於幼兒美語教學。    格蘭英語在這塊土地邁向第29個年頭之際,靠著優良嚴謹的教學口碑,在全台灣各點成立了無數的分校,培育出無數的國際菁英。   Because GRAMs Modern Childrens Program has been highly popular among parents, we have also established the Piper American School, providing a whole-day English program for children aged 5 and 6. Additionally, GRAM has cooperated with ICRT, the islands only English radio station, to publish GRAM Digest and to provide an overall more diverse learning environment for its students. Drawing upon its many years of experience, its excellent teachers and its diligent students, GRAM is making its best effort to conduct and promote the governments “English for All” policy.    As GRAM approaches its 29th year in Taiwan, we are proud of our quality English programs which have helped many of the islands students become excellent English-speakers.
沐葉 For Hair 秉持 [健康、時尚、樂活] 的領導理念,首度於竹北高鐵區打造唯一沙龍級美髮新據點! 強調以 Hair 為中心,結合 Health Beauty 的概念,並以寬敞舒適的空間和溫暖親近的調性來迎接顧客!使都市中的人們回歸到自然愜意的情境裡,開啟全新的感官體驗~~!
幸福、溫馨、精緻、大家庭 ~里仁學苑/湯姆美語,自許為孩子打造五星級的有機安親補習班; 在學校開始之初,腦海裡浮現『里仁為美』。 一、里仁為美:孩子學習首重在『環境』、『師資』,遇善則善,遇惡則惡。 『里仁』是我們給孩子最優質教育環境的承諾與執著。 【WEDO SCHOOL 】則是~我們願意做,一起把教育孩子的事做對、做好、做完美! 每個人心中都有一個學習動機的按鈕,『里仁』就是要幫孩子們找出那按鈕,跟孩子一起按下去,讓 他們快樂學習。Yes. we do! 二、幸福、溫馨、精緻、大家庭 來到里仁,妳會發現,一樓就是你家裡的大客廳,讓孩子可以看書 寫 功課跟老師談話溫馨又窩心! *國小放學後,「里仁」是可以被照顧安全停留的家,可以轉換壓力放鬆學習的家。 *「里仁」為孩子準備專屬的用餐區、午睡區、沙發閱讀區、藝術作品展示區。 *安全監控系統、公共安全意外險、有氧優質純水設備、藝術學習氛圍、圖書閱讀情境。 三、里仁理念:a.提供讓孩子放學後有回家感覺的大家庭,是一個快樂學習的園地。 b.以人本教育為方向,不打罵孩子,在紀律的規範裡,尊重其獨立與自主。 c.建立孩子專注的自學能力、享受思考的樂趣,能獨立完成一件事。 d.注重孩子個別天性特質,適性引導,學會生活、學習、耐挫力。 四、里仁用心---優質安全環境+營養健康餐點+細心呵護安親+ 全心關懷照顧! 重視品德教育、身教、言教、優質同儕、環境薰陶、教養自然養成!
Jaanlife, dear life. Mark your life with your choices. Jaanlife Industry is an import/export agency for international brands. Jaan sounds just like “young”, feels like it too. It is “graciousness” in Hebrew; it is “life” and “dear” in Persian; it is “power” and “strength” in Punjabi. Jaanlife, gracious life. The goal for Jaanlife is to find brands that are beautiful, high in quality, and follows the guidelines that takes better care of our bodies and our environment, and introduce this brand to friends that have made the same life style choices. + Jannlife,dear life。 將最美好的生活方式寫下。 Jaanlife 為專業國際品牌代理。 Jaan,發音同Young; Jaan 為希伯來文的雅緻,波斯文之寓意為生活(life),或親愛的(dear)。 Jaanlife,雅緻生活,親愛的生活 Jaanlife代理品牌的初衷,希冀能將環保理念融入每個生活的瞬間。以高品質而美好的事物,傳達恆久使用一項產品的態度。 Jaanlife, 專注雅緻生活的追求,以重複代替丟棄。 因為我們知道,重複一件事是美麗的。 而美麗的事,值得長久。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入漾居興業股份有限公司(Jaanlife Industry)的工作行列。
The mission of BEST ENGLISH is to help every child reach his or her potential by fostering academic growth, personal growth, and tolerance. BEST ENGLISH is a certified language school, located in the center of Taoyuan City. We offer a stimulating learning environment to all students. Our classrooms are print rich and use rubrics to ensure clear expectations for all students. Our English Language Development support the linguistic needs of our students. All of our classrooms are equipped with computers and the latest software to ensure that our students are prepared for the future. BEST ENGLISH staff believes that its primary purpose is to educate each student to the highest possible level of academic achievement by providing an appropriate curriculum in a safe, healthy environment. We are committed to helping students learn fun and develop English oral skills. We believe in creating an environment that encourages learning and social growth through character building and high expectations.
2007年,懷抱著信心及客戶的支持開了第一家小店,當時在附近有將近十來間的髮廊在競爭,但Libero For Hair的小毛還是秉持著一貫的態度並且慢慢地經營屬於自己的第一個事業,店雖然只有小小十來坪,但該給客戶的服務品質一樣都少不了。 前兩年為了給客戶更舒適的空間,搬至仁愛圓環附近,繼續本店的理想,至今已經準備邁入第六年,每天一樣地認真做客人,每天一樣地認真對待設計師,每天一樣地認真訓練助理,目的就是希望每個跟著Libero For Hair不管是客人或是伙伴都能夠得到他們想要的。 Libero For Hair 現在開始尋才的計劃,找到合適的人才沒那麼容易,但「困難即是開始」所以,永續經營的Libero For Hair,會一直秉持這樣的信念穏漸地走下去,大家一起加油!!!!
We are a group of bilingual teachers and parents from California. Our passion and focus is to raise our children to become TRULY BILINGUAL. The ONLY way to achieve that is for them to grow up in a bilingual environment; hence, we employ the immersion method in our school. Our dream is to recreate, here in Taiwan, the elementary school environment that our children attended. If you have the same belief, passion AND ability, come join us and let’s build that dream together.
孩子的第一所學校 因為這是一所天還未亮孩子就趕著想上學 天黑了孩子還捨不得回家的學校 一所值得您與孩子到訪的學校 康德:人活著,只有一個目的,就是像個人! Comte : There is only one purpose for a human being to live on the earth, that is, to live like a human being. 道禾:孩子到學校,只有一個目的,就是像個孩子! Natural Way :There is only one purpose for the child to come to school, that is, to be like a child
我們是專業美語補習班. 鄧肯專業美語(Duncan English School) 與『Live互動美語』結合. 由LiveABC的專業教學研發團隊,整合了經驗豐富的英語師資群,為孩子量身打造最符合英語教學環境,首創結合課堂學習與線上複習的雙效學習模式,讓學習英語不再枯燥乏味。
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